Monday, November 4, 2019

Professional Workoplace Dilemma Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Professional Workoplace Dilemma Paper - Essay Example Moral and ethical dilemmas are becoming frequent in one’s professional life. The cut throat competition coupled with diverse and multicultural fabric of the society, makes it difficult for a person to maintain a high level of personal integrity. The main reason being that very often the personal values clash with the organization’s objectives and organization’s target based results. According to Joseph Badaracco, "We have all experienced situations in which our professional responsibilities unexpectedly come into conflict with our deepest values...we are caught in a conflict between right and right. And no matter which option we choose, we feel like weve come up short" (internet). The resolution of ethical dilemma therefore requires a very careful consideration so that both the parties become gainers. As a customer support executive in a credit card company, I often come across such situations while dealing with the customers. My company being a target based organization, I have to sell credit cards to the customers so that I can meet my professional responsibilities and even exceed target for rapid advancement in my career. Even though all my customers may not require the credit cards, but the need to sell them becomes my professional responsibility towards my company. In such cases, I am faced with the ethical dilemma of whether I should convince my prospective customer so that he agrees to take our credit card. One such case comes to my mind whenever I look back to time. I once sold our credit card to a university immigrant student who had come on scholarship from India. Although I had informed him of all the details of using prudently the credit card, I later came to know that the said student had come under so much of debt that despite being an extremely bright student, he could not complete his studies on time as he had to work long hours to repay the debt accrued on his credit cards.

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